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5 dní

So I have 5 days until I leave for the next great stage of my life. 5 days to pack. 5 days to say goodbyes and 5 days to have fun in my hometown before I leave the Western Hemisphere. My life is a bit of a rush of emotions right now, and all 5,000 of those emotions are hitting me at once. Excitement. Nervousness. Unsureness (that's a real word, look it up). Mostly it's just hard to imagine that in a week from today I'll be 6 time zones away from my home, and I'll have a new home and new family and new friends and a new language and a new life that I have to learn how to navigate in 10 months before returning back to my old life.

So things are a bit crazy. I have to tie up all my loose ends and freaking PACK also. Everything feels surreal right now.

I guess I should talk about what I'm doing my first week. The day after I arrive in Ostrava, fresh off of jetlag, my host family is taking me to Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, and from there, to Vienna, the Austrian capital. Week 1 will be chaotic but I'll be lucky enough to visit two world-class capital cities within my first few days of exchange.

Anyway, since between now and next week, I will have been in 5 different countries, I won't be posting on here until I get free time back in Ostrava. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel,

I'll post a vlog from the first week and you can also keep up with my exchange there.

Rozloučení s Amerikou,


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